Sunday, April 15, 2007


silence propagates itself, the longer talk has been suspended, the more difficult it is to find anything to say....

Samuel Jackson {1709-1784}

speak to me......................


Anonymous said...

You cannot hear me when I speak to you. For I speak not loud enough. You cannot know my words, thoughts and feelings. We must be separate today
...and tomorrow.

But I promise I will always speak to you.

paisley said...

that is beautiful, why dont you write something i can publish on this site???

Anonymous said...

I've have tremendous inspiration.

paisley said...

wonderful... use it ... force it into words and put it down can do it... i am sure....

Anonymous said...

I decided that I will.
I'm gonna send you something.

paisley said...

oh please do,, it is so becoming a depository for my dirges.. and that isnt what i wanted....i was really hoping that people would want to share things here,,, anonymosly,,, or credited,,, what ever....

Anonymous said...

it will be from T.G.

paisley said...

i am so excited to get it,,T.G.,, thank you again!!!!!

.....a wordy, visual , narrative... as seen thru your eyes and mine.....